How to Move Without Drama

The moving process has a reputation for being a bit difficult. Okay, so that might be an understatement – some people think of moving as nothing short of a nightmare that they can’t avoid. But it doesn’t have to be that way. This article will look at some basic topics you can use to avoid the moving drama and arrive at your destination with your sanity in one piece.

One of the biggest keys to a successful move is working with a reliable moving company. For that, the Greensboro movers you should select are Steele & Vaughn. With an outstanding reputation as trusted local movers, your things will be in good hands throughout the process.

Organization is the Key

If you want to execute a drama-free move, it all comes down to organization. Feeling disorganized is at the heart of so much of the stress and anxiety that can come along with the moving process. When you are on top of everything – meaning you plan well in advance and know exactly how the move will be executed – the move will be much easier. Too many people dread their move, so they put off the things that need to be done to prepare, and then they are stressed as the day approaches. Be organized and the rest of the issues will likely just melt away.

Get on the Same Page

Unless you live alone and are moving only your things into a new place, you need to coordinate with others to have a successful move. That means talking to family members – partner, kids, etc. – about how the move will go, what will happen when, and more. Communication is always important in a relationship but it’s even more important when doing something challenging like moving to a new home.

Secure a Trusted Mover

Having a reliable partner like Steele & Vaughn is also going to go a long way towards not having any drama in this process. When you work with a trusted moving company, you’ll know that your things are going to be picked up on moving day and will be delivered to their new location at the right time, as well. This will free you to pay attention to other things while the movers do what they do best.

Maintain Perspective

So much of life is about perspective. It’s how you see the world that influences your experience within the world. Yes, a move can be stressful but try to see the big picture and remember that soon enough the moving process will be over, and you will be moving on to something else. That perspective can be a big help in avoiding feeling anxious or stressed about your move.

There will always be some challenges that come along with moving from one place to another, but it doesn’t have to cause you exceptional levels of stress and anxiety. If you have been searching for a “moving company near me” and haven’t found the right solution just yet, Steele & Vaughn are ready to come to the rescue. Get in touch today!

What is the First Thing You Do When You Move into a New House?

Moving into a new house is an exciting yet overwhelming experience. With a multitude of tasks and responsibilities to handle, it’s crucial to stay organized and prioritize your actions. Here’s a comprehensive after-the-move guide to help you settle into your new home efficiently and effectively.

Make a Prioritized List

The first thing to do when you move into your new house is to make a prioritized list of tasks. Your mind will be racing with to-dos, so keep a notebook in a central location to jot down every action item you or your family thinks of throughout the day. After 24 hours, stop adding to the list and prioritize each item with a 1, 2, or 3.

  • Priority 1: Tasks to be completed within the first week, such as safety concerns, cleaning, and unpacking essentials.
  • Priority 2: Tasks to be completed within the next two months, including organization, maintenance, and remaining unpacking.
  • Priority 3: Non-essential tasks to be completed within the year, such as renovations, landscaping, and large purchases.

Address Safety Concerns

Safety should be your top priority when moving into a new home. Here are some critical safety checks to perform:

  1. Change Locks: Replace all exterior locks to ensure you have the only keys to your new home.
  2. Check Smoke and Carbon Monoxide Detectors: Ensure all detectors are functioning correctly and replace batteries if necessary.
  3. Locate All Exits: Familiarize yourself and your family with all exits and create an emergency escape plan.
  4. Inspect Electrical Systems: Check for any exposed wiring or faulty outlets that could pose a fire hazard.

Clean and Unpack Essentials

Before you start unpacking, give your new home a thorough cleaning. Focus on high-traffic areas like the kitchen and bathrooms. Once clean, unpack your essential items first:

  1. Kitchen Supplies: Unpack and organize dishes, utensils, and cookware.
  2. Bedding and Linens: Set up your beds with fresh sheets and unpack towels for the bathroom.
  3. Toiletries and Medications: Ensure you have easy access to personal hygiene products and any necessary medications.

Set Up Utilities and Services

Ensure all essential utilities and services are up and running:

  1. Electricity and Water: Confirm that both are turned on and functioning properly.
  2. Internet and Cable: Schedule installation if not already set up.
  3. Garbage and Recycling: Find out your new collection days and set up bins accordingly.

Organize and Maintain

Over the next couple of months, focus on organization and maintenance:

  1. Organize Closets and Storage Areas: Use shelving, bins, and organizers to maximize space.
  2. Maintenance Tasks: Change HVAC filters, clean gutters, and inspect your roof for any potential issues.
  3. Decorate: Start adding personal touches to make your new house feel like home.

Plan for Improvements and Projects

Once you’ve settled in, start thinking about long-term improvements and projects:

  1. Renovations: Plan any major renovations you’d like to undertake, such as a kitchen remodel or bathroom upgrade.
  2. Landscaping: Design your garden or yard to enhance curb appeal and create a relaxing outdoor space.
  3. Large Purchases: Consider any large purchases you may need, such as new furniture or appliances.

Notify Important Parties

Don’t forget to update your address with important parties:

  1. Post Office: Submit a change of address form.
  2. Banks and Credit Cards: Update your address on all financial accounts.
  3. Employer: Inform your employer of your new address.
  4. Subscription Services: Update your address for any magazines, meal kits, or other subscription services.

Explore Your New Neighborhood

Take some time to familiarize yourself with your new surroundings:

  1. Meet the Neighbors: Introduce yourself and start building relationships.
  2. Find Local Services: Locate the nearest grocery stores, gas stations, and medical facilities.
  3. Join Community Groups: Get involved in local clubs or organizations to feel more connected.

Call to Action

Moving into a new home doesn’t have to be a stressful experience. With careful planning and organization, you can make the transition smooth and enjoyable. Steele & Vaughn Moving and Storage is here to assist with all your moving needs, from packing and transportation to storage solutions. To work with a premier local moving company, contact Steele & Vaughn today to ensure a seamless move into your new home. Let the moving experts handle the heavy lifting so you can focus on settling in and making your new house a home.

5 Reasons Why Spring is the Best Season to Move

It’s hard not to love spring. With the return of warm and comfortable weather and the many exciting activities and events that start to take place, most people look forward to the arrival of these months. Not only is spring great for many other things in life, but it’s also an ideal time to move. If you have been thinking about moving, or you know you need to move and are just trying to decide when to do it, this article will highlight five advantages of picking spring to make it happen.

When you are ready to hire Greensboro movers to handle things for you on the big day, turn to Steele & Vaughn. As local movers who also handle large, long-distance moves, there will be no doubt that Steele & Vaughn is up to any moving challenge you might have in mind. Get started today.

A Great Time to Buy a House

This first point isn’t related to the actual moving process but rather the task of buying a house. Most years, winter is relatively quiet on the real estate market, and things start to pick up once spring begins. If you are going to be looking for a new place to live, and trying to sell your own place, that process might go much easier – and faster – if you are working on it as winter turns into spring.

Enjoy Summer in a New Place

You are probably excited to start living in a new area, and what better way to get started than by moving in right before summer gets going? With nice weather ahead, you’ll be able to explore all of the interesting places and attractions that your new home provides, so the timing couldn’t be better.

Benefit from Improving Weather

Speaking of nice weather, moving in winter is a pain in many places, simply because of the conditions that you could face. Even in places with a relatively mild climate, there can still be cold mornings, rainy days, and other issues to overcome. In spring, it’s still possible to get unlucky with the weather, but the odds are much better that the sun will be shining.

Get on the Schedule

When booking a moving service, you’ll notice that their dates are reserved far in advance for the summer months. While spring is usually busier than winter, it’s much easier to get on the schedule at this time of year. That means you can have your pick of days and make sure the move is executed exactly when you need it to be.

Plenty of Light

Moving in the dark can be a frustrating – and even potentially dangerous – experience. It’s far easier to complete your move when it’s daylight outside, and spring has abundant daylight hours that you can use to your benefit. Each day in the spring is longer than the previous day, so you’ll quickly find that there is plenty of light both morning and night to get the job done comfortably.

There are plenty of moving companies available to pick from but working with a proven name like Steele & Vaughn means you can set your worries to the side and focus on starting to build your new life in a new place. Get in touch today to learn more.

How Long Does It Take for Kids to Adjust to a Move?

Greensboro Movers Delivering Moving ServiceMoving is a challenge for everyone in a family. Even if the family members are excited about all of the possibilities that a move will open up, there are still some bumps in the road that need to be cleared. For kids, change can be a little harder to accept, and parents will naturally want to help them get through it as quickly as possible so they can embrace their new life. The content below will look at some of the basics regarding how kids can adjust to a move successfully.

Working with the best movers Greensboro has to offer is definitely one way to make this whole process easier, so contact Steele & Vaughn today to get started.

Lay the Groundwork for Success

While there is no one set timeframe that will apply to all kids who have to adjust to a move, there are plenty of things parents can do to help this process go smoothly. The first step is to talk to the kids about it as soon as possible. They are going to need time to get used to the reality that they will be moving, and you don’t want to spring it on them too suddenly.

There is a good chance that some of these conversations will be a little difficult, but that’s to be expected. Providing your family with enough time to process the change and talk through their concerns is going to be an important step. Then, when the time to move does come around, it will be less of a shock, and hopefully the emotional adjustment will be smoother.

Give Them Power

It’s going to be harder for the kids to adjust to a move if they don’t feel like they have any power or control during the process. While it’s an adult decision to move, you could give the kids some agency over things like new activities that they are going to start once you land in a new place. Or, you might simply let them help pack up their things and decide how to organize their boxes. Small steps can go a long way toward making this easier on everyone.

Getting Involved

The best way to wind up feeling connected to a new place and adjust to new routines is to get involved in that area. If your child is interested in sports, joining a team or a school program can help them to meet new friends and do something that is fun and active. For young kids, even just going to the local playground to interact with others and start to form connections will be a big help.

Kids are excellent at adapting, but sometimes they need a bit of time and assistance to get settled in properly. Whether you need a long distance moving company to help with a major transition, or you are looking at local moving companies for a smaller shift, Steele & Vaughn can handle the logistics so you can worry about taking care of your family and making everyone comfortable during the move.

How to Make New Friends and Expand Your Network in Your New City or State

Moving is a challenging time. Not only is there the physical act of moving all of your things to a new place, but there is the emotional matter of leaving people behind and living in a new place where you might not know anyone at all. To help you get over that hump, this article is going to offer some practical tips for getting to know people and setting down new roots.

Of course, if you need help with the physical act of moving, Steele & Vaughn is a moving company that you can trust. As local movers in Greensboro with an excellent reputation, Steele & Vaughn will handle your things with care and complete the job for an excellent price. Get in touch today to learn more.

Attend Events Right Away

One of the fastest ways to get involved in a new community is simply to put yourself out there and engage with events and other outings as quickly as possible. When you arrive in your new city, or even before you make it there, start using the web to find events that might be interesting to you. Don’t put too much pressure on yourself to immediately make friends at such outings – just get out in the community, introduce yourself to some people when given the opportunity, and see how it goes from there.

Take a Class

While this is not a free option, it is a great way to get involved with people who have similar interests. For example, if you have always been interested in woodworking, look for local classes on that topic and sign up. By definition, the other people in the class will be interested in the same thing as you, which is a great foundation on which to build a new friendship.

Volunteer to Help

This is another easy way to get to know people, and it should be free of charge. Look around online for various places that might need volunteer assistance to further their mission. It could be something like helping at a food bank, a local school event, or anything else where community members will be involved, and you can get to know some new people.

Be Willing to Chat

Above all else, perhaps the most important thing you can do to meet new people and make friends in a new place is to simply be willing to talk to others. It’s hard to build a new network when you are closed off or cold, so do your best to relax and engage with others day after day.

It’s not always easy to meet new people and make new friends, but the strategies above should help you get started. And, if you need some storage in Greensboro while you move, or if you need help with the whole process from start to finish, take a moment today to connect with Steele & Vaughn to learn more about the services that are available. It’s never too early to get started!