Loading a Moving Truck 101

Loading a moving truck correctly is both an art and a science. Like anything else, this is something you will get better at with experience, but even a beginner can do a good job by keeping some simple rules in mind throughout the process.

Balance is the Key

The key concept to keep in mind while loading your moving truck is balance. You want to keep the load as balanced as possible from side to side so that the truck can remain stable on the road. If all of your heavy items were placed on one side, that could potentially create a dangerous situation.

Fortunately, it’s pretty easy to figure out what items are going to bring the most weight to the truck. These are things like tables, couches, exercise equipment, and other large pieces of furniture. As long as you have some of those items on each side of the truck, you should be able to balance the load pretty easily.

Big Items Go First

Speaking of the big, heavy items that you need to move, those should make their way into the truck first. The reasoning here is pretty obvious – you aren’t going to want to stack large, heavy objects on top of smaller, lighter things. You can build the foundation of your moving truck space with the big stuff and then fill in around that with all of the little boxes and odds and ends. It’s also better to have heavier objects towards the front of the truck.

It may help to take some basic measurements of your things in advance so you can map out a floor plan. Knowing how big your items are, and knowing how big the truck is, you can draw out a sketch to give you a good starting point. Remember, not everything needs to travel right-side-up, so be flexible in how you design your layout. It’s likely that there will be changes at the last minute once you start packing but having a detailed plan in advance can make things go much smoother.

Last In, First Out

The last things that you put into the truck are going to be the first things that come out, simply because they are located in the back. So, keep this in mind when you are packing and place things that you will need to access right away near the rear of the truck. If you make the mistake of putting some important things up toward the front of the truck – in other words, you pack them first – you’ll simply have no way to access those items until the entire truck has been unloaded. There may only be a few key things that you want to have access to right away, so make a list of those things and be sure that they go into the truck at the very end of the packing process.

If you are looking for the best moving companies in Greensboro to help with your upcoming move, turn to Steele & Vaughn for help. Whether moving across town or across the country, Steele & Vaughn can serve you.



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